• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: juangrosso2004
  • hace 5 años

1) Empareja la primera parte de la oración con el pronombre

relativo y complemento. Coloca el número de la primera parte

Mira el ejemplo.
1) I didn’t recognize the man… Who

robbed me.

???? Which I grew up.

2) The movie… ???? When he was a child.

3) She doesn’t recall the place… ???? Whose soundtrack I liked, wasn’t good.

4) He used to have a dog… ???? What you say.

5) I remember the time… ???? Who robbed me.

6) This is the house in… ???? Whom she brought the present.

7) He can’t understand… ???? Where she lost her keys.

8) She didn’t tell me to… ???? When we were all together.


Respuesta dada por: marcelaagudelo1243


oye ya te paso las preguntas

juangrosso2004: ok
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