• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: miraidarvl15
  • hace 5 años

Isabella stewart gandner (april 14, 1840- july 17, 1924) was an art collector. she started collecting art after her father died in 1891. she liked to travel and collect artwork from all over the world. in 1903 Gardner built an art museum in Boston in the united states.
Isabella stewart gandner liket .................. and collect art from around the world .​


Respuesta dada por: isabel839g


to travel


Isabella Stewart gradner liked to travel and collect art from around the world

Respuesta dada por: DBAD

Isabella stewart gandner liked to travel and collect art from around the world.​ This is said in the third sentence of the paragraph.

Other facts about Isabella Gardner are the following:

  • She visited the US, Europe, the Middle and Far East and Asia.
  • Among her collection were the works "The Abduction of Europe by Titian" and "The King Felipe IV of Spain by Velásquez"

En Español

A Isabella Stewart Gardner le gustaba viajar y coleccionar arte de todo el mundo. Esto se dice en la tercera oración del párrafo.

Otros datos sobre Isabella Gardner son los siguientes:

  • Visitó Estados Unidos, Europa, Medio y Lejano Oriente y Asia.
  • Entre su colección se encontraban las obras "El Rapto de Europa de Tiziano" y "El Rey Felipe IV de España de Velásquez"

Otra consulta sobre art en: https://brainly.lat/tarea/12479058

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