• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: javielote27
  • hace 5 años


Unscramble the words in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. A
(neroth) is a chair for kings and queens.
2. Kings and queens sometimes wear a
(roncw) on their heads.
3. In the past, kings could
(ilkl) anyone they didn't like.
4. The queen had many enemies, but she also had lots of
5. When our king dies, his daughter will become the queen. She is
(ireh) to the throne.
6. Your brothers, sisters, parents, uncles, aunts and cousins are all your
7. Medieval monarchs could do everything that they wanted because they had absolute

hola22buenas: 4. allies(ally)
hola22buenas: 6. relatives


Respuesta dada por: hola22buenas


4. allies(ally)

6. relatives


los q te faltaban : )

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