• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jdelacerdasaucedo
  • hace 5 años

5 What Is an Adverb?
An adverb is a word that can describe a verb. An
adverb tells how, when, or where an action happens.
Focus Read these sentences. Notice the words in
dark type.
The cub leaped quickly for a butterfly.
Yesterday the cub leaped for a butterfly
The cub leaped up for a butterfly
The words quickly, Yesterday, and up are adverbs. Each
tells something about the action verb leaped. Quickly tells
how the cub leaped. Yesterday tells when the cub leaped. Up
tells where the cub leaped. An adverb can be written before
or after the verb. Study the examples in the chart.
1. Some adverbs tell how an action happens.
softly easily loudly well
carefully fast slowly suddenly
2. Some adverbs tell when an action happens.
tomorrow sometimes now immediately
3. Some adverbs tell where an action happens.
here up
around far
there down inside somewhere
Guided Practice Name the adverb in each sentence.
Tell if the adverb describes how, when, or where.
1. The sun shone brightly.
2. The cubs play outside.
3. One cub cries softly.
4. The cub looks up.
5. Soon it spots a squirrel.
6. It claws the bark loudly.​


Respuesta dada por: aiudaaaaz


esperame unos 10 minutos que tengo que hacer algo y despues de eso te respondo


jdelacerdasaucedo: ok
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