• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: bfontanb
  • hace 6 años

What about you? What kind of holidays do you prefer?
Write your answer including 3 different comparative structures and using interesting adjectives as well. Include two modifiers too! You must give reasons for whatever you say.


Respuesta dada por: tejadaalejandra58

Respuesta:tienes que responder la pregunta con un adjetivo comparativo. Y la pregunta dice que pasa con tigo?


Respuesta dada por: mayumichalove

We can use pretty as an adverb, before an adjective or another adverb, meaning ‘quite, but not extremely’. It is informal:

I’m pretty sure we’ve met before. Were you at Clare Harding’s wedding?

You need to get there pretty early to get a good seat.

Pretty well as a modifier means ‘almost’:

That’s pretty well all we need to do this morning, so why don’t we break for lunch?

I hope to see you helped give me crown please

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