• Asignatura: Arte
  • Autor: saraocaba0946
  • hace 5 años

Necesito crear un monologo como base de los siguientes textos ( PORFAVOR NECESITO ENTREGARLO ANTES DE LAS 12:00PM)
La Navidad es tiempo de costumbres
que invitan a participar de
un mensaje de amor y de entrega.
En esta época compartir las
tradiciones en familia y transmitir la
importancia de dar y recibir amor, de
ser solidarios, de alimentar el
espíritu y de disfrutar de las
pequeñas cosas de la vida, se
convierten en el mejor regalo que
podemos ofrecer a nuestros seres
queridos. Es un tiempo para renovar
la fe en Dios, amar a los demás, y
poner en alto el amor y paz. Lo
primordial es disfrutar con alegría y
espiritualidad. Divulgar el mensaje
de reconciliación, amor y la alegría que acompaña las tradiciones navideñas.


Shor time ago, when I was a happy Young boy, I really knew who Santa Claus was. He was a fat, friendly old man
with a white beard who visited children in December to bring them toys. Here in Colombia, children wait for “El
Niño Dios” who does basically the same thing but only if you had been good during the year and if you were
asleep. Then, early the following morning, kids wake up just to open their gifts. Of course, it is easy to understand
why parents always seem tired. As childhood vanishes, children stop believing in them. But the truth is that Santa
Claus was a real person. He was a Greek man whose name was Saint Nicholas who lived about 1700 years ago
in what is now Turkey. He was famous because he gave many gifts to poor people. About a thousand years later,
people began giving presents to children in Europe to remember Saint Nicholas, and the picture of the modern
Santa Claus began two hundred years ago in The United States and Canada. Even though, Saint Nicholas died a
long time ago, it would be nice to believe that Santa Claus and “Niño Dios” live in all of us. They are present in
your heart every moment you share what you have, your friendship, your love, your time and many more things
with others


Respuesta dada por: ElRealGamer32


aprendete de memoria toda la cancion

saraocaba0946: CUAL CANCIÓN??
Respuesta dada por: je4265787

yo no puedo ayudarte lo siento

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