• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: nachita2015martinez
  • hace 5 años

Completa las siguientes oraciones colocando el verbo que se encuentra entre
paréntesis en la forma correcta del Pasado Perfecto.
1. Robert and Alice (find) …………… a valuable ring.
2. My grandfather (go) …………… to New York.
3. The pupils (visit) …………… the museum with the teacher.
4. The workers (ask) …………… for a raise in their salary.
5. The mechanic (fix) …………… the engines.
6. Susan (fall) …………… from the ladder.
7. The young man (lose) …………… his wallet.
8. Brian (stay) …………… at home last night.
9. My father (build) …………… a new apartment.
10.William (break) …………… the dishes.
11.Michael (buy) …………… a new bike and sold the
12.old one.
13.The students (bring) …………… the books.


Respuesta dada por: aliii1234
1) founded
2) went
3) visited
4) asked
5) fixed
6) fallen
7) lost
8) stayed
9) builded
10) broke
12) bought
13) brought

nachita2015martinez: 4.We (visit) …………… the church.
15.Sam (spend) …………… a lot of money in the market.
16.Jonathan (park) …………… his car in front of my house.
17.Geraldine (paint) …………… a beautiful landscape.
18.Mary (win) …………… the championship.
19.The secretary (send) …………… the letters.
20.Peter and Tom (steal) …………… the market.
valeskahuancayo: Eso es pasado simple
valeskahuancayo: El presente perfecto es otro esta mal
alyson69: hola busco. novi oo
Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1 had found

2 had gone

3 had visited

4 had worked

5 had fixed

6 had fallen

7 had losen

8 had stayed

9 had built

10 had broken

11 had bought

12 had sold

13 had brought


El pasado perfecto se forma con HAD + VERBO EN PARTICIPIO PASADO

nachita2015martinez: me ayuda
natybocanegra89: jjjjaa si claro
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