• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: sunibu
  • hace 5 años

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.
1. Bob is _______(walk) in the park.
2. Mia_____(eat) lunch
3. Pat and Tom_____(jog) around the park.
4. Samy_____(paint) a picture.
5. Sarah______(write) a letter.
6. John______(swim) in the pool.
7. Ed_______(sunbathe) in the beach,
8. Lucy_____(drink) water.
9. Carlo______(read) an English book.
10. They______(talk) to her mother.​


Respuesta dada por: lily292201


1. walking

2. eats

3. jog

4. paints

5. writes

6. swims

7. sunbathes

8. drinks

9. reads

10. talk

Respuesta dada por: gabserlab

Se completan las oraciones con la forma correcta de los verbos en presente continuo (the correct form of the verbs):

  1. Bob is walking in the park.
  2. Mia is eating lunch.
  3. Pat and Tom are jogging around the park.
  4. Samy is painting a picture.
  5. Sarah is writing a letter.
  6. John is swimming in the pool.
  7. Ed is sunbathing in the beach.
  8. Lucy is drinking water.
  9. Carlos is reading an English book.
  10. They are talking to her mother.

¿Cuándo se usa el present continuous (presente continuo)?

Se usa cuando hablamos de acciones que se están haciendo en el momento, utilizando la siguiente estructura:

Sujeto + verbo to be (is - isn't / are - aren't) + verbo principal terminado en ing + complemento.

Para ver más oraciones en presente continuo puedes consultar aquí: brainly.lat/tarea/132282


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