• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: dsofianoriega
  • hace 5 años

l. Complete the sentences with the past form of the verb in parentheses.

1. I ____________(help) my friends with their homework yesterday.

2. Emily ___________ (work) at that factory for three years.

3. My brothers _____________ (wash) the dinner plates last night.

4. We _____________(study) very hard for the math exam this morning.

5. The movie ___________(start) at 8:00 and we _________(arrive) at 8:15 yesterday.

6. My dad ___________(try) a new car last weekend.

7. The car ______________(stop) abruptly at the traffic light.


Respuesta dada por: franmenaaraya


1. I _______ helped _____ my friends with their homework yesterday.

2. Emily _____ worked ______ in that factory for three years.

3. My brothers _______washed______ the dishes last night.

4. We ______studied_______very hard for the math test this morning.

5. The movie _____ started ______ at 8:00 and we ____ arrived_____ yesterday at 8:15.

6. My dad _____ tried ______ a new car last weekend.

7. The car _______ stopped_______ abruptly at the traffic light.

SUERTE!!! =)


Anónimo: Saludos, hay un ligero error, puesto que "study" en pasado se escribe "studied".
franmenaaraya: gracias!!! ya lo corregí
Anónimo: ¡Qué bien!
Respuesta dada por: Anónimo

Recordemos que para los verbos regulares solo se les agrega el "-ed" al final.

Por tanto, nos queda que:

1. I Helped my friends with their homework yesterday.

2. Emily Worked at that factory for three years.

3. My brothers Washed the dinner plates last night.

4. We Studied very hard for the math exam this morning.

(Nt = Cuando el verbo termina en "y", cambiamos esa "y" por "ied")

5. The movie Started at 8:00 and we Arrived at 8:15 yesterday.

6. My dad Tried a new car last weekend.

7. The car Stopped abruptly at the traffic light.

(Nt = Cuando termina en ciertas letras como "p", esta se duplica y se agrega el "-ed")

Suerte =)


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