20 preguntas con How much y 20 preguntas con How many... have
Ejemplos: How much your pone? (¿cuánto cuesta tu teléfono?)
How many shoes have?(¿cuántos zapatos tienes?)
how many:
How many eggs do you need for the cake? (¿Cuántos huevos necesitas para el pastel?)
How many candles do you need for the cake? (¿Cuántos velas necesitas para el pastel?)
How many bedrooms are there in the apartment? (¿Cuántas habitaciones hay en el departamento?)
How many apartments are there in the building? (¿Cuántos departamentos hay en el edificio?)
How many books did you read last year? (¿Cuántos libros leíste el año pasado?)
How many guests will you invite to your wedding? (¿Cuántas personas invitarás a tu boda?)
How many bottles of milk do you need? (¿Cuántas botellas de leche necesitas?)
How many chairs are there in the classroom? (¿Cuántas sillas hay en el salón?)
How many cars are there? (¿Cuántos automóviles hay allí?)
How many houses are white? (¿Cuántas casas son blancas?)
How many cats are black? (¿Cuántos gatos son negros?)
How many bars of chocolate did you eat? (¿Cuántas barras de chocolate comiste?)
How many pairs of shoes do you have? (¿Cuántos pares de zapatos tienes?)
How many shares will we receive? (¿Cuántas acciones recibiremos?)
How many skyscrapers are there in your city? (¿Cuántos rascacielos hay en tu ciudad?)
how much:
How much is this bunch of roses? (¿Cuánto cuesta este ramo de rosas?)
How much water do you need to fill a bucket? (¿Cuánta agua necesitas para llenar el cubo?)
How much does it cost? (¿Cuánto cuesta?)
How much time do you need to finish? (¿Cuánto tiempo necesitas para terminar?)
How much are the tomatoes? (¿Cuánto cuestan los tomates?)
How much sugar do you want? (¿Cuánta azúcar quieres?)
How much coffe do you drink in the morning? (¿Cuánto café tomas en la mañana?)
How much flour is there in the bowl? (¿Cuánta harina hay en el recipiente?)
How much electricity does it need to work? (¿Cuánta electricidad necesita para funcionar?)
How much milk is there in the fridge? (¿Cuánta leche hay en el refrigerador?)
How much time does it take to participate? (¿Cuánto tiempo lleva participar?)
How much of your time do you spend with operations staff? (¿Cuánto de su tiempo pasa con el personal de operaciones?)
How much is the final fare? (¿Cuánto es en total?)
De How many solo me surgieron 10
How many shirts do you have? How many shoes do you have? How many necklaces do you have? How many books do you have? How many cars do you have? How many cell phones do you have? How many exams do you have? How many sofas do you have? How many clocks do you have? How many headphones do you have?