• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: oscaromartinez
  • hace 6 años

Solicito ayuda para responder lo siguiente:

Must or Have to
We use HAVE TO and MUST to say it's necessary to do something sometimes, it doesn't matter which one you use: "It's getting late. I must go home", or "it's getting late I have to go home".

a) You ___ damage public property with graffiti.
b) Anne is a police officer. She's off duty tomorrow, so she ___ work.
c) Alex is really happy because he ___ go to school tomorrow. It's Saturday.
d) Devon ___ be careful with his experiments. He could get hurt.
e) You ___ rob a bank or you'll end up in jail.
f) I ___ do the laundry! My mother told me to do so.
g) You ___ eat more saldas if you aren't hungry.
h) if Jane wants to become a pop star, she ___ work harder in the future.
i) Rachel ___ eat chocolate cake if she wants to loose some weight.
j) The shop assistant told me I ___ wear high heels with this night dress.
k) This briefcase is very important. You ___ protect it!.
l) You ___ buy two more eggs for the cake.
m) It's getting dark. I ___ go home.
n) Anne ___ clean the house because she is giving a party tomorrow.
o) You ___ buy more cakes. We still have some.

Must or Have to
1. Make questions with have to:
a) I had to move my flat yesterday.
Why ___?
b) Be have to get up at 7'30 tomorrow.
Why ___?
c) Alex has to go now.
Where ___?
d) I have to borrow my father's car.
Why ___?
e) I'll have to wait a lonh time for the train.
How long ___?
f) Jane has to pay a speeding fine.
How much ___?

a) I ___ get up early tomorrow because I'm not working.
b) You ___ touch any of the pictures in the museum. It's forbiden.
c) You ___ take pictures here!
d) You ___ eat it if you don't like it.
e) Anne ___ buy a new dress. She's a got a lovely one for the wedding.
f) We ___ forget your medicine!
g) You ___ lock the door. We'll be back in a moment.
h) You ___ tel anyone. It's a secret!.

a) We ___ hurry if we don't want to miss the bus!
b) I ___ go home early. My parents don't let me stay until late.
c) I can't go to the cinema with you tomorrow. I ___ study or I'll fail again.
d) Peter ___ wear glasses. He needs them to drive.
e) Jane hates her new job. She usually ___ work at weekends.
f) You ___ meet Alison. She's great!
g) Have you ever ___ go to prison?
h) You ___ be silent in a hospital.
i) I ___ help my parents with the housework. I think it's necessary.


Respuesta dada por: nelsymendez345


y complete con los verbos


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