• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: pablo45663
  • hace 5 años

Por favor lo necesito urgentemente es para hoy solamente esto necesito que me ayuden si me ayudan yo los ayudo en lo que se les dificulten
III. Utilizando MUST, MUSTN'T you HAVE TO, Don't HAVE TO, Doesn't HAVE TO, describa en inglés los proverbios del ejercicio II. Ejemplo: Never look a gift horse in the mouth = "A caballo regalado no se le mira el colmillo" 1. This proverb means that you don't have to criticize about the gifts that you are given. Proverb: ... Never look a gift horse in the mouth 2. The grass is always greener on the other side... This proverb means that you mustn't envy that the other people do. Proverb: . Actions speak louder than words say. than words: This proverb means that the actions have to show more 3. .... A bird in the hand is worth two in the something and we mustn't have so many fantasies in mind. bush: This proverb means that we must be sure of we have Proverb: . Many hands make light work: This proverb means that when many people help to work, the work is more light..


Respuesta dada por: malalex02

Hdjdhqjjjejdhwudhjqbfuwbifekd be kefnh

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