• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: morelolopeze
  • hace 5 años

Responde estas preguntas en ingles sobre ti o tu familia
1- What were you doing last night at eight o’clock? _______________________________________
2- When were your parents last Sunday in the morning? __________________________________________
3- What time were you studying English yesterday? __________________________________________
4- Who was playing video games last Saturday in your house? ___________________________________________
5- What novel were you watching last night ? _____________________________________________


Respuesta dada por: Gilary11


1- What were you doing last night at eight o'clock?

I was having dinner

2- When were your parents last Sunday morning?

In my aunt's house

3- What time were you studying English yesterday?

At 3:00 pm

4- Who played video games last Saturday at your house?

My cousin and I

5- What novel were you watching last night?

Brave Heart

Espero te sirva:c

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