• Asignatura: Informática
  • Autor: gmoralitos1910
  • hace 5 años

What is the meaning of "sparkle" in paragraph 2, line 4? *

5 puntos

the view behind something

to shine brightly with a lot of small points of light

to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it

to move quickly with a twisting, circular movement

How many Van Gogh's pieces of art are mentioned in the text? *

5 puntos





According to the text, "The Starry Night" reflects ... *

5 puntos

Van Gogh's adulthood.

Van Gogh's physical disruption.

Van Gogh's childhood.

Van Gogh's mental disruption.

What inspired Van Gogh while painting "Café Terrace at Night"? *

5 puntos

A foggy night on a street in Arles, France.

A stellar night on a street in Arles, France.

A rainy night on a street in Arles, France.

A wet night on a street in Arles, France.


Respuesta dada por: camilaramirez2210


es en inglés frances nose pero esta muy bien

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