• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: matizpadillalizeth
  • hace 5 años

1. Complete las siguientes oraciones utilizando el tiempo verbal correcto y traduzca cada oración en español: a. Alberto ___________ (drive) to School every day. b. Sandy __________ (forget) her homework very often. (hábito en presente). c. Our Friends sometimes ________ (go) to the supermarket. d. Jenny never _________ (go) to California. But she __________(go) yesterday because her mother ________ (be) ill. e. By next year, they ___________ (win) the prize. f. How often _________________ (you /go) to the cinema? g. They _____________ (come) tomorrow at 10 o’clock. h. Who __________ (be) your favorite pop star? i. ______________________(you / see) him last night? j. John ___________ (study) english in the university every weekend.

marcelaramirez2408: 1-. Drives


Respuesta dada por: marcelaramirez2408


1-. Drives 2-. Forgets 3-. Goes 4-. Goes 5-. went 6-. was 7-. will win 8-. Do you go 9-. Will come 10-. Is 11-. Have you seen 12-. study


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