• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: pierinagarrido189
  • hace 6 años

responde a las siguientes preguntas usando el pronombre personal correspondiente a cada sujeto
*is Katy a nurse ?
*is Mario in my home ?
*is the dog in the park ?
*are pedro an the teacher practicing english?
*are Carlos and you students?


Respuesta dada por: soley59


La respuesta depende si es si o no


1. Yes, Katy is a nurse / No, Katy is not a nurse

2. Yes, Mario is in my home / No, Mario is not in my home

3. Yes, the dog is in the park / No, the dog is not in the park

4. Yes, they are practicing english / No, they are not practicing english

5. Yes, we are students / No, we are not students

yapi creo que se refiere a eso xd

Respuesta dada por: barilrocha250107


katy an oscar areteacher en plural

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