• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: milenagonzalez421
  • hace 5 años

Escribie los verbos que estan entre parentesis en el pasado simple. Son todas afirmativas.
1) the children__________ (live) in Japan.
2) we__________(eat) hamgurgers.
3)Lucas__________(study) physics
4)I_________(go) to school.
5) the programme_________(begin) at 9pm.
6)the bus_______(stop) at the station.
7)She________(play) tennis.
8)you__________(have lunch at schoool
9)My sister_________(make) a cake
10)we___________(wash) our hands​


Respuesta dada por: naanapan


1) lived

2) ate


4) was goint

5) started

6) stopped

7) played

8) had

9) toward

10) washed


ci c:

milenagonzalez421: muchas gracias por yu ayuda!
Respuesta dada por: Anónimo


1. The children lived in Japan

2. We ate hamburgers

3. Lucas studied physics

4. I went to school

5. The programme began at 9pm

6. The bus stopped at the station

7. She played tennis

8. You had lunch at school

9. My sister made a cake

10. We washed our hands


En los verbos regulares (como 'to live', 'to wash, 'to play') solo tienes que añadir "-ed" al final (lived, played, learned, washed)

Los verbos irregulares (como 'to eat' 'to begin') no siguen esta regla y hay que aprenderlos de memoria

milenagonzalez421: muchisimas gracias por tu ayuda!
Anónimo: ...
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