• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jhosepdiaz36
  • hace 5 años

me pueden ayudar con una conversación con el would you like y el I'd like
WAITER - And what would you like to drink?
CUSTOMER #1 - I'd like a cup of coffee, please.

como esta pero que sea mas larga la conversación porfavorv


Respuesta dada por: thenightcoreclub63


Waiter: What would you like to drink?

Me: What types of dishes do you have?

W: We have salmon with chips, pasta with cheese, cheese quiche or rice with fried vegetables...

M: Do you have a meat dish?

W: Sure! We have smoked beef with potatoes and chicken with sweet sauce.

M: Ok well, i'd like smoked beef with potatoes.

W: What would you like to drink?

M: I'd like a beer, please.

W: anything else?

M: I'd like something sweet for dessert.

W: We have vanilla ice cream, chocolate, nougat.... Cheesecake and cream, and our specialty .... French toast with cream.

M: I would like the specialty, French toast with cream.

W: Ok, it will be 50 euros in total. Enjoy your food, bon appetit!

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