• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: luisafajardo599
  • hace 5 años

XII. Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis and then
translate it to Spanish.
A Dangerous Job
(be) very
Chris Hansen (1)
(work) in Alaska in the winter. He (2)
(have) a job on a crab boat. He (3)
(fish) for crabs in October and January. Chris and the other fisherman (4)
(drop) heavy crab pots in the ocean and (5)
(pull) them back onto the boat a day later. Chris (6)
(not like) his job. It (7)
dangerous in the ocean. Even in bad weather, the work (8)
(not stop). The days (9)
(be) very short in the winter. The
sun (10)
(not rise) at about 10:00am, and it (11)
(go) down at around 4:00pm. Chris's mother (12)
(worry) about him. She (13)
(be) careful, Chris! (15)
fall) off the boat!" He "(16)
(say), "(17)
(not worry), Mom!"


Respuesta dada por: gabserlab

Se completa el siguiente párrafo sobre “A Dangerous Job” con los verbos en los paréntesis en el tiempo verbal presente simple (the correct form of the verb in parenthesis):

Chris Hansen (1) works in Alaska in the winter. He (2) has a job on a crab boat. He (3) fishes for crabs in October and January. Chris and the other fisherman (4) drop heavy crab pots in the ocean and (5) pull them back onto the boat a day later. Chris (6) doesn't like his job. It (7) is dangerous in the ocean. Even in bad weather, the work (8) doesn't stop. The days (9) are very short in the winter. The sun (10) doesn't rise at about 10:00am, and it (11) goes down at around 4:00pm. Chris's mother (12) worries about him. She (13) says(14) be careful, Chris! (15) you fall off the boat!" He "(16) says, "(17) don't worry, Mom!


Un Trabajo Peligroso

Chris Hansen (1) trabaja en Alaska durante el invierno. Él (2) tiene un trabajo en un barco de cangrejos. Él (3) pesca cangrejos en octubre y enero. Chris y el otro pescador (4) arrojan pesadas trampas para cangrejos al océano y (5) las suben al bote un día después. A Chris (6) no le gusta su trabajo. (7) Esto es peligroso en el océano. Incluso con mal tiempo, el trabajo (8) no se detiene. Los días (9) son muy cortos en el invierno. El sol (10) no sale alrededor de las 10:00 am y (11) se pone alrededor de las 4:00 pm. La madre de Chris (12) se preocupa por él. Ella (13) dice(14) ¡Cuidado, Chris! (15) ¡te caes del bote!” Él “(16) dice: “(17) ¡no te preocupes, mamá!

Para ver más oraciones en presente simple consulta aquí: brainly.lat/tarea/52593881 y brainly.lat/tarea/243548


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