• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: danna200413
  • hace 5 años

Ayuda por favor pliss le doy una corona



Respuesta dada por: OliverEnd


Social:I stop being with those people and I look for better people.

Cyber: I stop using my tech gadgets for a while and give the passwords to my parents

Pshycal: I try not to respond with violence, he talked to my parents and teacher about the problem


Espero que te sirva,bro

Respuesta dada por: maytheuwu


Tips to intervene in a case of Cyberbullying

Act not Wait. ...

Listen and Dialogue. ...

Reinforce Self-esteem. ...

Take care of privacy. ...

Individualized Attention. ...

Attention with the class group. ...

Do not respond to provocation. ...

Attention with the family to guide their action plan.

How to stop social bullying

Talk to the person who is being bullied. Ask what you can do to help him. ...

Listen without jumping to conclusions. ...

Let them know that you care about their well-being. ...

Talk to an adult you trust. ...

Take a position as a group. ...

Without repeating rumors. ...

Confront bullying. ...

Educate others!

tips to avoid psychological bullying

Report the facts to the school administration (in very serious cases it may be necessary to report it to the juvenile prosecutor's office or the police).

Talk with the victim, the harassed or stalkers and witnesses in order to have the most exhaustive and detailed possible view of what happened.

Communicate the situation to the parents of the students involved, both victims and aggressors.

Take the appropriate precautionary measures: protection of the victim, temporary expulsion of the aggressors or change them permanently, etc.


dame coronita pls unu

danna200413: ya te di la corona
maytheuwu: gracias uwu
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