• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: miguel31corona
  • hace 5 años

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Dear Michael
Thapk you for your recent letter. It is so wonderful to hear from you! I am very glad that you
"ode (have) a good vacation.
As for me, I also go (spond) a wonderful vacation. First, Wentilive) with my parents in the
nag ride) bic rabeled
had The weather was hot and I playswim) a lot with my friends. Wstayeday soccer and
And in August we (go) to Cyprus with my parents. It is a large Island in the Mediterranean
with a wonderful climate. We swam in the sea and were lying in the shade of huge eucalyptus
trees. We spenl(travel) along the mountain paths and played tennis. Anyway, it was a
memorable summer.
How did your academic year begin? Are there newcomers in your class? Any new subjects?
'm sorry, I have to go to the sports section.
Al the be
Pasado smiple


Respuesta dada por: kchaverra123

Respuesta :

Sorry, no sé de inglés

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