• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: leonpablostefano
  • hace 5 años

5 oraciones con have to en positivo y en negativo
5 oraciones con has to en positivo y en negativo
5 oraciones con had to en positivo y en negativo ​


Respuesta dada por: fabi31469621



In 1994 Enzo Manzoni was living in the Italian quarter of the Angeles. He was an Italian immigrant from Naples. He

had come to the USA in 1992. He had been in America for two years, but he hadn´t learnt to speak much English. During

those two year he´d worked hard, and by 1994 he´d saved up enough money to go back to Naples for a holiday. On July

16th his plane left Los Angeles airport at 20. 30. After Enzo had eaten a large dinner and had drunk some wine, he fell


Enzo woke up when his plane landed. When he looked at his watch, he was surprised. The flight hadn´t taken very

long. When he`d been through customs, he came out of the terminal. He was surprised no one had come to meet him.

After he´d waited for a bit, he took a bus into the city. He was amazed when he saw how much Naples had changed.

Enzo sat down on a bench. After he´d been sitting there for a few minutes, he asked a policeman where he was. New

York, of course! He hurried back to the airport. When he arrived, the airline had been calling his name for the last 20

minutes. They had been looking for him everywhere. But they hadn’t found him, so the plane had left for Naples. It had

only stopped in New York to pick up more passengers!

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