• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: mmonse931
  • hace 5 años

Choose the correct word from the list below to complete the following sentences.Use the correct form of the future tense with "Going to"
hang/wear/practice/Hey/así/visit/write clean/study/ezchange/quit/traje/vive/fix

se ganará una corona a la que responda bien



Respuesta dada por: carla01037287
I going to write clean !
She is going to wear!
He is going to quit!
The boys are going to practice!
He is going to ask!
We are going to study!
I ‘m going to take!
She is going to fix!
My husband is going to get!
We are going to give !
So she is going to exchange!
He is going to hang!
They are going to visit!
Respuesta dada por: emi63581


  1. I'm going to clean
  2. She's going to wear
  3. He's going to hang
  4. The boys are going to practice
  5. He's going to quit
  6. We are going to study
  7. I'm going to take
  8. She's going to give
  9. My husband is going to fix
  10. We are going to get
  11. She is going to exchange
  12. He is going to ask
  13. They are going to visit

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