• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: samuelpop200876
  • hace 5 años

me pueden decir la oración en negativo en past simple

1. John------------------------------ (not/ get) his test back yesterday.

2. We ------------------------------( not /bring) our packed lunches!

3. The neighbours ------------------------------(not/ wake) on time for their train!

4. My Dad ------------------------------( not / win ) his tennis tournament last weekend .

AnthoRe10: hola


Respuesta dada por: PauA3


  1. John didn't get his test back yesterday.
  2. We didn't bring out packed lunches!
  3. The neighbors didn't wake on time for the train
  4. My dad didn't win his tennis tournament...

samuelpop200876: gracias eres la unica con humanidad
PauA3: cual gracias, dame mi corona JAJA
AnthoRe10: jajajajaj
AnthoRe10: te felicito por saber ingles
PauA3: jajajaja
PauA3: si necesitas ayuda no dudes en mandar mensaje
PauA3: :)
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