ton Interviewer: Good morning. We are at Jorge Garza School with
our guest, an important Ecologist, Mr. Rodrigo Lopez. Good
moming Dr. Lopez! Please tell us, what do you think about the use
of plastic straws?
Dr. Lopez: I think that the use of plastic straws is damaging the
environment; these pieces of plastic contaminate the soil and
water and sometimes they end up being eaten by sea creatures
causing their death; people should care more about the planet,
and reduce the use of straws and other plastics.
Interviewer: How long does a plastic straw take to decompose?
Dr. Lopez: A recent study shows that it takes more than 500 years.
Interviewer: Don't you think that plastic straws could be
necessary for daily life?
Dr. Lopez: Sure!, but they can be replaced for straws made of
avocado seeds, bamboo or other organic materials that take
less time to decompose.
Interviewer: That's a smart option. Thank you for your time Dr.
Lopez. Good-bye!
Ton Entrevistador: Buenos días. Estamos en el Colegio Jorge Garza con
nuestro invitado, un importante Ecologista, el Sr. Rodrigo López. ¡Buenos días Dr. Lopez! Por favor díganos, ¿qué opina del uso
de pajitas de plástico?
Dr. López: Creo que el uso de pajitas de plástico daña la
medio ambiente; estos pedazos de plástico contaminan el suelo y
agua y en ocasiones terminan siendo devorados por criaturas marinas
causando su muerte; la gente debería preocuparse más por el planeta,
y reducir el uso de popotes y otros plásticos.
Entrevistador: ¿Cuánto tiempo tarda una pajita de plástico en descomponerse?
Dr. López: Un estudio reciente muestra que se necesitan más de 500 años.
Entrevistador: ¿No cree que las pajitas de plástico podrían ser
necesario para la vida diaria?
Dr. López: ¡Claro !, pero se pueden reemplazar por pajitas hechas de
semillas de aguacate, bambú u otros materiales orgánicos que toman
menos tiempo para descomponerse.
Entrevistador: Esa es una opción inteligente. Gracias por su tiempo Dr.
López. ¡Adiós!
Ton Interviewer: Good morning. We are at Jorge Garza School with
our guest, an important Ecologist, Mr. Rodrigo Lopez. Good morning Dr. Lopez! Please tell us, what do you think about the use
of plastic straws?
Dr. López: Creo que el uso de pajitas de plástico daña la
medio ambiente;these pieces of plastic contaminate the soil and
water and sometimes they end up being eaten by sea creatures
causing their death; people should care more about the planet,
and reduce the use of straws and other plastics.
Interviewer: How long does a plastic straw take to decompose?
Dr. Lopez: A recent study shows that it takes more than 500 years.
Interviewer: Don't you think that plastic straws could be
necessary for daily life?
Dr. Lopez: Sure!, but they can be replaced for straws made of
avocado seeds, bamboo or other organic materials that take
less time to decompose.
Interviewer: That's a smart option. Thank you for your time Dr.
Lopez. Good-bye!
No se si tenias que corregirlo pero ya esta traducido y corregido en casos de mala ortografia
Si buscas los componentes son presentation, body y closing