• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: leoncitaprieto
  • hace 5 años

B. Estas oraciones tienen errores. Encuéntralos y reescribe las oraciones

1. Carol and I is in the photo.
Carol and Id_in the photo.
2. The school is big?
the school big?
3. The boys is tall.
The boys tall.
4. The sun are yellow.
The sun_yellow.
5. It is a apple.
It is apple
6. We am students.


Respuesta dada por: WarsherZ


1. Carol and I is in the photo.

Carol and me are in the photo.

2. The school is big?

Is the school big? (De esta no estoy tan seguro, lo siento)

3. The boys is tall.

The boys are tall.

4. The sun are yellow.

The sun is yellow.

5. It is a apple.

It is an apple.

6. We am students.

We are students.

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