a) Why are the Galapagos Islands a good option for travelers who want to
go snorkeling?
b) What are two popular destinations for travelers who want to go
kayaking in Ecuador?
c) What can you do at the Chimborazo Volcano?
2. Give your opinion. How can we protect The Galapagos Islands?
a) Galapagos Islands have incredibles marine ecosystems. Is a main tourist attraction for snorkeling lovers because their coral reefs area re very rich in oceanic species.
b) Kayaking in Ecuador is best in nationals parks Sangay y Llanganates. Rivers Pantaza, Jutancayo, Jondachi y Hollin have wild waters and are very strongs. Those are the best for this activity.
c) Chimborazo Volcano is a place to do many things. Climbing, hiking, taking pictures, and see how the locals cut blocks of ice from the glacier are among the things to do at this Ecuadorian landmark.
d) It is a complicated task for an ordinary person to collaborate in the protection of the Galapagos Islands. But, one way to help is not to contaminate the habitat of the endemic species of the area when visiting this beautiful place.
Can learn more in Spanish: https://brainly.lat/tarea/2323563
Las respuestas a las preguntas planteadas son:
a) The Galapagos Islands are a good opcion for people who wants to go snorkelling because they have a lot of different species in the sea and beautiful acuatic landscapes.
b) Two popular destinations in Ecuador for kayaking are Galapagos Islands and the Amazonic region of the country.
c) You can go hiking to the Chimborazo Volcano.
2. We can protest Galapagos Islands by taking care of the ecosystems and be consciousness about the importance of the species that live in there. We must not throw garbage or damge the landscape.
Al respecto, cabe mencionar que la Isla Galápagos se destaca por su biodiversidad marina, lo que la hace atractiva al turismo. De igual forma cada lugar, presenta una particularidad que lo hace llamativo para cierto tipo de público en relación al turismo.
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