• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: 01230122l
  • hace 5 años

Ayudenme a resolver esta tarea, porfa :(

complete the jobs.

I want to protect people and I don't mind having a dangerous job so I'm thinking about becoming a (1)p_____ o ___ or a (2) f____.

I want to earn good money and work for a company, I want to be a (3)b____.

I'm good at repairing and building things, and I'm happy to do a physical job. I'm thinking about being an (4)e___,a(5)m___or a (6)c___w___.

I'm a great swimmer. I'm starting a weekend job as a (7)I____ at my local swimming pool. I like driving, so in the future I want to be a (8)t___d.

I want a part-time job at weekends. I'd like to work in a shop as a (9)s___a___ or in a restaurant as a (10)w___

I'm good at biology and chemistry but I like working with people so I don't want to be a (11) s____ In a laboratory. I'd like to be a (12)d___ and work in a hospital.

I hate getting up early so I don't want to be a (13)p___w___. I'm creative so I want to be a (14)h___ in a hair salon.


Respuesta dada por: angelol12356


1-police and firefighter



En la pregunta 1 dice que tiene un oficio riesgoso y police es policía , firefighter bombero

En la 2 dice que gana mucho dinero además de que trabaja en una grande compañía entonces es banker que significa banquero


01230122l: Y las demás?
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