• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: akemiletibl
  • hace 5 años

Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjectve:
Possessive Adjectives

Fill in with: my, your, his, her, its, our, their.

1. I don't know the time because I can't find watch.
2. What's the boy's name? name is Ben Scott.
3. Debbie has got a cat. cat is very lively.
4. The dog is very cute. name is Ben.
5. We are at school. school is very nice.
6. I have a new laptop. laptop is white.
7. I'm from Seattle. Most of friends are from Seattle, too.
8. The rabbit is white. cage is in the garden.

Possessive Pronouns

 Replace the personal pronouns by possessive pronouns.
Example: This book is (you) yours

1The ball is (I) _______
2 The blue car is (we) _______
3 The ring is (she) ______
4 We met Paul and Jane last night. This house is (they) ______
5 The luggage is (he) _______
6 The pictures are (she) _______
7 In our garden is a bird. The nest is (it) ______
8 This cat is (we) _______

Possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns
 Choose between a possessive pronoun or a possessive adjective. Remember to follow the rules for both types of possessives*

1) Is this cup (your / yours)?
2) The coffee is (my / mine).
3) That is (my / mine) coat.
4) He lives in (her / hers) house.
5) You might want (your / yours) phone.
6) The new car is (their / theirs).
7) She cooked (our / ours) food.
8) Don't stand on (my / mine) foot!
9) She gave him (her / hers) suitcase.
10) Is the flat (her / hers)?

present ,simple present cotinous

Andy sometimes __ comics. (read)
We never __ TV in the morning. (watch)
Listen! Sandy __ in the bathroom. (sing)
My sister usually __ in the kitchen. (help)
My mother __ breakfast now. (make)
They often __ the bathroom. (clean)
Look! The boys __ home. (come)
Every day his grandfather __for a walk. (go)
I __ with my friend at the moment. (chat)
Cats ___ mice. (eat)


Respuesta dada por: Mrhaitianpresident


Fill in with

1 my watch

2 his name

3 her cat

4 its name

5 our school

6 my laptop

7 my friends

8 its cage

Possessive Pronouns

1 mine

2 ours

3 hers

4 theirs

5 his

6 hers

7 its

8 ours

Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns

1 yours

2 mine

3 my

4 her

5 your

6 theirs

7 our

8 my

9 her

10 hers

Present Simple and Present Continuous

1 reads

2 watch

3 is singing

4 helps

5 is making

6 clean

7 are coming

8 goes

9 Am chatting

10 eat

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