Escoje 8 verbos elabora oraciones,las pasas a pregunta y las responde afirmativa y negativamente en ingles.
¿Do You play in the park?
R// Yes I do (Positiva)
R//I don't (Negativa)
¿She eats alone?
R// Yes, she eat every day alone (Positiva)
R// No, she doesn't eat alone (Negativa)
¿Can you go to the party in this weekend?
R// Yes, I can go (positiva)
R// No, I cant go because I am sick (Negativa)
¿She does the dinner?
R// Yes, she does the dinner every day. (Positiva)
R// No, she doesn't cook the dinner. (Negativa)
¿Do You have a pet in the bag?
R// yes, I have a cat (positivo)
R// no, I don't have any animals (negativo)
¿Do you swim?
R// yes, I do (positivo)
R// no, I don't (negativo)
¿She walk every morning to the school?
R// yes, she walk every morning, because she doesn't have another vehicle (positivo)
R// she doesn't walk to the school every morning because she haves a car (negativo)
¿Do you can give me a soda?
R// Yes, but ¿Do you have money? (positivo)
R// No, I cant because I don't have hands (negativo) XD
Espero que te sirva, probablemente me haya equivocado en algunas cosas, pero supongo que está bien, estaría muy agradecido si me das una coronita :()