• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: asdafs
  • hace 5 años

TEMA 4 NRO 5 EDDis - TERMINADO - resuelto - parte 1
- back up a claim
to support a statement with facts
It is important that journalists are always able to back up any claims they make

- catchy headline
interesting article titles in a newspaper or magazine to make readers want to know more
I need to come up with a catchy headline for my next news story.

- contribute
to give time, money or effort to a cause or organization.
My mother has contributed so much to this family by taking care of everyone and always being available to us.

- documentary
an informative film about a particular event or topic.
I saw a very interesting documentary about deep-sea fishing last night.

- follow up on a story
to get more information about a certain story.
I need to follow up on that story I heard about the little boy who saved a man's life.

- freedom of the press
the legal right of newspapers and magazines to write about whatever they choose.
Although I believe in freedom of the press, I also think there are certain boundaries that shouldn't be crossed.

- gather facts
to collect true pieces of information.
First I gather the facts, then I start writing.

- get wind of a story
to hear or learn about a particular news story or event
I got wind of the story too late, so I wasn't able to release the news first.

- hard evidence
real proof
There is no hard evidence that supports your theory.

- magazine issue
a collection of stories, pictures and ads usually in color for a specific week, or month
I thought this month's magazine issue wasn't as interesting as usual.

- raise an issue
topics that were brought up
Some interesting issues were raised in today's newspaper.

- reveal sources
to share where you got information
Don't worry, I never reveal my sources so nobody will ever know that you gave me the information.

- scandal
a circumstance that involves important or famous people acting immorally or dishonestly and ruining their reputation
There have been so many scandals in that company, I don't know how they are still in business.

- tabloid newspapers
small newspapers that usually include lots of stories about the private lives of famous people
I feel sorry for that actor because they are always printing embarassing pictures of him in the tabloid newspapers.

- topic
a specific subject that is written about or discussed
Next week's topic will be "Staying Healthy and Keeping in Shape".


Respuesta dada por: pamif13111


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