Espero que me lo puedan resolver lo ocupo para hoy por favor(si no saben no lo respondan) graciassss

-We are old friends
-We aren't old friends
-Are we old friends?
Yes, we are
-The pencil is on the desk
-The pencil isn't on the desk
-Is the pencil on the desk?
No, it isn't
-The weather today is good
-The weather today isn't good
-Is the weather today good?
Yes, it is
-They are brothers
-They aren't brothers
-Are they brothers?
No, they aren't
-The man on the corner is waiting the bus
-The man on the corner isn't waiting the bus
-Is the man on the corner waiting the bus?
Yes, he is
El verbo to be es el equivalente al verbo ser o estar en español. Se conjuga de tres maneras diferentes dependiendo de la persona o pronombres personales:
Pronombre personal I (Yo): I am (Yo soy o Yo estoy)
Pronombres personales He (Él), She (Ella) y It (Eso): He is (Él es o Él está), She is (Ella es o Ella está) y It is (Eso es o Eso está).
Pronombres personales You (Tú), You (Ustedes), We (Nosotros) y They (Ellos): You are (Tú eres o Tú estás), You are (Ustedes son o Ustedes están), We are (Nosotros somos o Nosotros estamos) y They are (Ellos son o Ellos están).
-I was a good student
-I wasn't a good student
-Was I a good student?
Yes, I was
-I was happy to see you
-I wasn't happy to see you
-Was I happy to see you?
No, i wasn't
-The windows were dirty
-The windows weren't dirty
-Were the windows dirty?
Yes, they were
-I was at the movies yesterday
-I wasn't at the movies yesterday
-Was I at the movies yesterday?
Yes, i was
-He was at the beach this morning
-He wasn't at the beach this morning
-Was he in the beah this morning?
Yes, he was
El verbo to be es el equivalente al verbo ser o estar en español. En el tiempo pasado (past tense) se conjuga de dos maneras diferentes dependiendo de las persona o pronombres personales:
Se escribe was con los pronombres personales I, He, She, It
Se escribe were con los pronombres personales You, We, They
1. Mario is my brother.
- Mario is not my brother.
- Is Mario my brother?
- Yes, he is.
2. Pamela is in the party.
- Pamela is not in the party.
- Is Pamela in the party?
- Not, she is not.
3. They are in the river.
- They are not in the river.
- Are they in the river?
- Not, they are not.
4. I am studying medicine.
- I am not studying medicine.
- Am I studying medicine?
- Yes, I am.
5. We are in the school.
- We are not in the school.
- Are we in the school?
- Yes, We are.
1. Wilson was a doctor.
- Wilson was not a doctor.
- Was Wilson a doctor?
- Yes, he was.
2. My cat was black.
- My cat was not black.
- Was my cat black?
- Not, It was not.
3. They were in the park.
- They were not in the park.
- Were they in the park?
- Yes, They were.
4. My uncle was a police.
- My uncle was not a police.
- Was my uncle a police?.
- Yes, she was.
5. I was sad.
- I was not sad.
- Was I sad?
- Not, I was not.