• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ajimenez262
  • hace 5 años

Write sentences in Negative and questions using there is / there are
1 there ir a snake in the window
2 There is a Zebra in the grass
3. There are lions in the zoo, to
4. There are many baby lions near their parents
5. There is a bird Next To The tree.
6. There are many monkeys in the trees.


Respuesta dada por: diego8966


1 there's not a snake in the window

is there a snake in the window?

2 there isn't a zebra in the grass

is there a zebra in the grass?

3 there aren't lions in the zoo

are there lions in the zoo

4 there aren't many baby lions

diego8966: perdona que lo iba a terminar pero no tengo tiempo pero allí tienes un guía
ajimenez262: Gracias estaba cotejando y si hiba bien gracis
ajimenez262: Amigo
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