• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: 7edurne
  • hace 5 años

Complete the sentences using the causative.
1 Mr Brown's laptop was stolen at school.
Mr Brown
2 New computers have been installed at the college.
The college
3 Someone's going to make a new key for me.
I'm going to
4 Jane's friend will type her essay for her.
5 is a swimming pool being built at our school?
Are we
6 Mrs Fletcher's children are driven to school every day.
Mrs Fletcher
7 The teachers must mark the students' tests by Friday
The students must
8 New desks were delivered to the school.
The school​

7edurne: Ayuda porfa


Respuesta dada por: magdalena31


es el 5


puntos por favor siiii y gracias

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