• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jucapofa19
  • hace 5 años

2. Now, complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in PAST SIMPLE.

1) We ___________(work) in our garden all day yesterday.

2) I ___________ (listen) to the news on TV last night.

3) They ___________ (live) in England many years.

4) They___________ (tell) us about their plans for next year.

5) The weather was warm, so we ___________ (sit) in our backyard.

6) The meeting last night ___________ (begin) an hour late.

7) Mr. López finally ___________ (sell) his house last week.

8) The ticket ___________ (cost) 75$.

9) I ___________ (hear) the presidential debate last Wednesday.

10) Susan ___________ (feel) bad last class.

11) I ___________ (see) my exboyfriend with another woman.

12) He ___________ (write) many love letters to her.

XBILVSKX: holaa necesito ayuda en mi tarea d eciencias sociales por favor


Respuesta dada por: evaa68


1 worked

2 listened

3 lived

4 told

5 sit

6 began

7 sold

8 cost

9 heard

10 felt

11 saw

12 wrote

Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1 worked

2 listened

3 lived

4 told

5 sat

6 began

7 sold

8 cost

9 heard

10 felt

11 saw

12 wrote


1 trabajamos

2 escuché

3 vivieron

4 dijeron

5 sentamos

6 comenzó

7 vendió

8 costó

9 oí

10 sintió

11 ví

12 escribió

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