• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: marcossanabria0803
  • hace 5 años

4. . Complete las oraciones NEGATIVAS e INTERROGATIVAS, teniendo en cuenta la
explicación que está al principio de la guía y usando los verbos que están en paréntesis.
Tenga en cuenta que los verbos están en presente y debe buscar el PARTICIPIO de cada
uno para poder completar la oración.
1) She __________ __________ her teeth yet. (not, brush)
2) __________you already __________ your work? (finish)
3) She __________ __________ dinner yet.(not, make)
4) __________ Andrew __________ that house before? (see)
5) You __________ __________ golf before. (not, play)
6) __________ they __________ in this house before? (live)
7) __________ your mother __________ the lottery? (win)
8) __________ Laura __________ the bathroom’s curtain? (cut)
9) The cat __________ __________ the mouse. (not, eat)
10) Your sister __________ __________ the homework. (not, do)

marcossanabria0803: por favor ayudemen


Respuesta dada por: kkarenvl2004


1) She has not brushed her teeth yet. (not, brush)

2) have you already finished your work? (finish)

3) She has not made dinner yet.(not, make)

4) Have Andrew seen that house before? (see)

5) You haven't played golf before. (not, play)

6) Have they lived in this house before? (live)

7) Did your mother won the lottery? (win)

8)Did Laura cut the bathroom’s curtain? (cut)

9) The cat did not ate the mouse. (not, eat)

10) Your sister did not do the homework. (not, do)

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