• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: mariauwuBv
  • hace 6 años

Complete the questions using : how much or how many.
1. ___________ eggs did you buy ?
2. ___________ coffee did you drink last night ?
3. ___________ girls are there in your group ?
4. ___________ bottles of juice are in the fridge? Three.
5. ___________ money did you pay for your bike ?
6. ____________ milk have we got? About one and a half litres.


Respuesta dada por: ssjricardo


Complete the questions using : how much or how many.

1. How many eggs did you buy ?

2. How much coffee did you drink last night ?

3. How many girls are there in your group ?

4. How many bottles of juice are in the fridge? Three.

5. How much money did you pay for your bike ?

6. How much milk have we got? About one and a half litres.

Anexo ;

Para que no te queden dudas sobre cómo clasificar las cosas que son contables y aquellas que son incontables, a continuación te compartimos algunos ejemplos que van más allá de la comida, para que recuerdes que estas dos palabras las podemos usar en diferentes ambientes y contextos.

How much: Se utiliza con cosas incontables (meat, stress, honey, sugar, milk, water, wine, etc.)

How many: Se utiliza con cosas contables (friends, students, carrots, cucumbers, dresses, books, etc.)

mariauwuBv: hay amigo pense que eras tu perdoname bro
mariauwuBv: te iva a dar la coronitA a ti :(
ssjricardo: :c
ssjricardo: F por mi.
marielamorenoosorio: jejej
marielamorenoosorio: te daré un corazón :D
ssjricardo: Gracias
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