• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: facuveraa22
  • hace 6 años

Yesterday ______ a nice day. It______
the spring day, but it________.
different, because of the covid .l,_______
on a small trip with my family. We_______ at the park for one hour My mother________
surprise because finally we ________ not at homel My father_______.
attie worried because of the virus'but we ____
with masks. My sister _____ happy. My grandfather and grandmother________
bored because they stayed at home. The weather ________ great The sun and the clouds ________ brilliant it________
hot. The park_______
green and clean, it _________ beautiful. And the flowers ________ pink and white it_______
one of the best days of my life!

facuveraa22: ayuda
leonardoaguayo543: ve la respuesta


Respuesta dada por: leonardoaguayo543

esta sacada de una prueba

mas ensima te dire lo sigiente como vamos a saver las respuestas si nisiquiera estan las alternativa  te diria las respuestas peroo no estan las al-te-rna-ti-vas

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