• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: nicol536
  • hace 5 años

Escribe 5 oraciones utilizando los números ordinales en inglés
 Por ejemplo: My wife is in the sixth month of pregnancy.

1. ________________________________________________.
2. ________________________________________________.
3. ________________________________________________.
4. ________________________________________________.
5. ________________________________________________.


Respuesta dada por: Em3006
1-The first exam will be tomorrow.

2-My first love was a girl from school.

3-It's my sixth shot at target.

4-The third dancer is wonderful.

5-And on the seventh day he rested.

nicol536: GRAX
Em3006: De nada! Mucha suerte
Em3006: Oye una cosa
nicol536: que?
Em3006: En la 2 la cambias así “My first love was a BOY from school”
Em3006: En vez de girl usas boy jajaj
nicol536: ok jaj
Em3006: Jajaj bueno suerte :)
nicol536: igual
Respuesta dada por: jazzyyy


1. I won the first place in the competition.

2. It's the second time I've lost my cell phone.

3. Fernanda's daughter is in fourth grade.

4. We celebrated the ninetieth birthday of my grandmother.

5. It's the thirteenth time he visits Paris.

nicol536: grax
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