• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jandrea3003
  • hace 5 años

I. - Complete the sentence with the verb in ( in past simple. / completa la gracion con
el verbo entre parentesis.
a) I
(study) for the exam for three hours.
b) They
(be) happy to be home.
c) Sally
(be) disappointed she
(miss) the party
d) When I was young, we always
(go) to Florida for the summer.
e) Dan
(not/work) last week
(wash) the dishes?
g) I
(dream) I could fly last night.
h) We
(meet) them at the restaurant.​


Respuesta dada por: Estherrobles


a) I studied for the exam for three hours.

b) They were happy to be at home.

c) Sally was disappointed she

missed the party

d) When I was young, we always went to Florida for the summer.

e) Dan didn't work last week

f)did you Wash the dishes?

g) I dreamed I could fly last night.

h) We met them at the restaurant.

Respuesta dada por: gaspar92


puedo responder cualquier cosa en tus preguntas antiguas please?

jandrea3003: dale xD
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