• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jijiokmi12
  • hace 5 años

(Son and Mother are standing beside their bean field.) SON: Mother! Mother! Just look at our field! Rabbit has been eating the beans again. Soon there will be none left! What are we going to do? MOTHER: Don't worry, Son. I know just how to stop him. First, take this doll and cover it with molasses. Then leave it by the side of the field and we'll hide behind this tree. (They are covers the doll with molasses and they both hide. Before long, Rabbit appears on stage.) RABBIT: Aha! Those foolish humans have left their beans unguarded again. It's time for my lunch! (Rabbit goes toward the field but falls over the doll and gets one foot stuck.) RABBIT: Let go, Doll, or l'll hit you! (waits for a reply but doesn't get one) Let go I say! (hits doll and gets his hand stuck) Let go of my hand and foot, or l'll punch and kick you! (Receives no reply, so punches and kicks the doll and becomes completely stuck.) (Mother and Son appear from behind the tree.) MOTHER: Now we've caught you, Rabbit! SON: And you'll taste delicious with all those beans inside you! MOTHER: Put Rabbit in a bag and let's collect some wood for a fire. (Son and Mother leave Rabbit in the bag at the front of the stage and exit. Coyote appears on stage.) RABBIT: Who's that walking by?

COYOTE: It is I, Coyote. Is that you, Rabbit? What are vou. doing in that bag? RABBIT: The old woman put me in this bag because she wants me to marry her daughter. COYOTE: Really? RABBIT: Yes, but l'm small and ugly, and her daughter is tall and beautiful. COYOTE: Yes, she's much too good for you. RABBIT: Why don't you marry her instead? You are strong and handsome, and you'd make a much better husband than I. COYOTE: Of course I will. RABBIT: Help me out of the bag and take my place. (Coyote unties the bag and lets Rabbit out. Coyote then gets in the bag and Rabbit ties it up.) COYOTE: Now go away quickly before the old woman comes back. (to self) Stupid Rabbit! (Rabbit exits. Son and mother enter stage with wood in their arms and start to make a fire.) SON: Ah, what a delicious dinner we're going to have! COYOTE: (Wriggles a little in bag; aside to audience.) Dinner? MOTHER: Yes, I'm so hungry. OK, the fire's ready. They are, open the bag and we'll cook Rabbit! COYOTE: (aside to audience) Fire? (They are opens bag, Coyote jumps out and runs away.) SON: (Gets a shock.) Mercy me! COYOTE: (Runs offstage shouting.) Rabbit! Rabbit! You tricked me. I'll get you for this!



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