• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: iresaisha
  • hace 5 años

es de inglés pasado simple​



Respuesta dada por: LudmiAR1404


1.Complete la historia empleando los verbos que aparecen en paréntesis en su forma pasado simple:

Last year I went (go) on holiday. I drove (drive) to the sea with my friend. On the first day we looked (look) at the beautiful buildings and ate (eat) in lots of restaurants. The next day were (be) very hot so we drove (drive) to the sea. We left (leave) our clothes in the car and sunbathed (sunbathe) and swam (swim) all day. At six o'clock we walked (walk) to our car, but the car wasn't (be negative) there because a thief stole (steal) it. We bought (buy) some clothes and went (go) to the Police Station. The police were (be) nice and we slept (sleep) in the police station.

2.Une las preguntas con las respuestas con una línea:

Está en el archivo adjunto.

¡Espero que te sirva! <3

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