• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: angeli5855555584
  • hace 5 años

CONSIGNA: Llenar los espacios con el verbo en paréntesis en su forma correcta en pasado simple. Luego traducirla al español, negativo y pregunta.

Daisy (bring) some chocolates to the birthday party.


A) Daisy ____BROUGHT____ some chocolates to the birthday party.
B) Traducción: Daisy trajo algunos chocolates a la fiesta de cumpleaños.
C) Negativo: Daisy didn´t bring some chocolates to the birthday party.
D) Pregunta: Did Daisy bring some chocolates to the birthday party?

1. I ____ (hear) a new song on the radio.
2. Peter ____ (read) three books last week.
3. The Smiths ____ (speak) Italian to the waitress.
4. Peter ____ (understand) the activity during the class.
5. ___ My mother____(forget) to buy some milk.


Respuesta dada por: lauraght




I heard a new song on the radio.

Escuché una nueva canción en el radio.

I didn't hear a new song on the radio.

Did I hear a new song on the radio?

Peter read three books last week

Peter leyó tres libros la semana pasada.

Peter didn't read three books last week.

Did Peter read three books last week?

The Smiths spoke Italian to the waitress.

Los Smiths hablaron en Italiano a la camarera.

The Smiths didn't speak Italian to the waitress.

Did the Smiths speak Italian to the waitress?

Peter understood the activity during the class.

Peter entendió la actividad durante la clase.

Peter didn't understand the activity during the class.

Did Peter understand the activity during the class?

My mother forgot to buy some milk.

A mi mamá se le olvidó comprar leche.

My mother didn't forget to buy some milk.

Did my mother forget to buy some milk?

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