• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: mairaoroz
  • hace 5 años

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb.
1. If I had known, Il
things differently. (do)
2. If I could be any animal, I
a giraffe. (be)
to the police if someone stole my car. Igo)
4. If he is on time. 1
my hat. (eat)
the promotion, I'll have a celebration dinner. (get)
6. What would you do if you
a million euros? (Win)
7. If you don't clean your room right now, I
you for a week. (ground)
for a walk. (go)
8. If I have some free time tonight, I
that nice guy. (meet/not)
9. If I had missed my bus this morning. I
shopping tomorrow if I have
time. (go)


Respuesta dada por: alonsoponcenancy


lo siento mucho no se ingles


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