• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ac1606731
  • hace 5 años

Escribe el verbo auxiliar de acuerdo al sujeto y verbo principal en presente

1 My sister (arrive)
2 l (lose)
the key of my car.
3 Patrick not( visit )
us this year.
4 We not go )
to work today.
5 you/(eat)
all the cake?
6 Sarah( invite)
us to her birthday party.
7 My son( work)
hard in his job this week.
8 You / not( look)
after the pet?
9 You /( think)
about going abroad?
10 lt /( be ) the best year of my life.
porfa quien me alluda​


Respuesta dada por: alexitou


1. My sister arrived home.

2. I lost the key of my car.

3. Patrick didn't visit us this year.

4. We didn't go to work today.

5. Did you eat all the cake?

6. Sarah invited us to her birthday party.

7. My son worked hard on his job this week.

8. Didn't you look after the pet.

9. What do you think about going abroad?

10. It is the best year of my life.


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