• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: donjuan1512
  • hace 6 años

como se dice a ingles: Un asno y un caballo vivían juntos desde su más tierna infancia y, como buenos amigos que eran, utilizaban el mismo establo, compartían la bandeja de heno, y se repartían el trabajo equitativamente. Su dueño era molinero, así que su tarea diaria consistía en transportar la harina de trigo desde el campo al mercado principal de la ciudad.

La rutina era la misma todas las mañanas: el hombre colocaba un enorme y pesado saco sobre el lomo del asno, y minutos después, otro igual de enorme y pesado sobre el lomo del caballo. En cuanto todo estaba preparado los tres abandonaban el establo y se ponían en marcha. Para los animales el trayecto era aburrido y bastante duro, pero como su sustento dependía de cumplir órdenes sin rechistar, ni se les pasaba por la mente quejarse de su suerte.


Un día, no se sabe por qué razón, el amo decidió poner dos sacos sobre el lomo de asno y ninguno sobre el lomo del caballo. Lo siguiente que hizo fue dar la orden de partir.

– ¡Arre, caballo! ¡Vamos, borrico!… ¡Daos prisa o llegaremos tarde!

Se adelantó unos metros y ellos fueron siguiendo sus pasos, como siempre perfectamente sincronizados. Mientras caminaban, por primera vez desde que tenía uso de razón, el asno se lamentó:

– ¡Ay, amigo, fíjate en qué estado me encuentro! Nuestro dueño puso todo el peso sobre mi espalda y creo que es injusto. ¡Apenas puedo sostenerme en pie y me cuesta mucho respirar!

El pequeño burro tenía toda la razón: soportar esa carga era imposible para él. El caballo, en cambio, avanzaba a su lado ligero como una pluma y sintiendo la perfumada brisa de primavera peinando su crin. Se sentía tan dichoso, le invadía una sensación de libertad tan grande, que ni se paró a pensar en el sufrimiento de su colega. A decir verdad, hasta se sintió molesto por el comentario.

– Sí amiguete, ya sé que hoy no es el mejor día de tu vida, pero… ¡¿qué puedo hacer?!… ¡Yo no tengo la culpa de lo que te pasa!

Al burro le sorprendió la indiferencia y poca sensibilidad de su compañero de fatigas, pero estaba tan agobiado que se atrevió a pedirle ayuda.

– Te ruego que no me malinterpretes, amigo mío. Por nada del mundo quiero fastidiarte, pero la verdad es que me vendría de perlas que me echaras una mano. Me conoces y sabes que no te lo pediría si no fuera absolutamente necesario.

El caballo dio un respingo y puso cara de sorpresa.

– ¡¿Perdona?!… ¡¿Me lo estás diciendo en serio?!

El asno, ya medio mareado, pensó que estaba en medio de una pesadilla.

– ‘No, esto no puede ser real… ¡Seguro que estoy soñando y pronto despertaré!’

El sudor empezó a caerle a chorros por el pelaje y notó que sus grandes ojos almendrados empezaban a girar cada uno hacia un lado, completamente descontrolados. Segundos después todo se volvió borroso y se quedó prácticamente sin energía. Tuvo que hacer un esfuerzo descomunal para seguir pidiendo auxilio.

– Necesito que me ayudes porque yo… yo no puedo, amigo, no puedo continuar… Yo me… yo… ¡me voy a desmayar!

El caballo resopló con fastidio.

– ¡Bah, venga, no te pongas dramático que tampoco es para tanto! Te recuerdo que eres más joven que yo y estás en plena forma. Además, para un día que me libro de cargar no voy a llevar parte de lo tuyo. ¡Sería un tonto redomado si lo hiciera!

Bajo el sol abrasador al pobre asno se le doblaron las patas como si fueran de gelatina.

– ¡Ayuda… ayuda… por favor!

Fueron sus últimas palabras antes de derrumbarse sobre la hierba.


El dueño, hasta ese momento ajeno a todo lo que ocurría tras de sí, escuchó el ruido sordo que hizo el animal al caer. Asustado se giró y vio al burro inmóvil, tirado con la panza hacia arriba y la lengua fuera.

– ¡Oh, no, mi querido burro se ha desplomado!… ¡Pobre animal! Tengo que llevarlo a la granja y avisar a un veterinario lo antes posible, pero ¿cómo puedo hacerlo?

Hecho un manojo de nervios miró a su alrededor y detuvo la mirada sobre el caballo.

– ¡Ahora que lo pienso te tengo a ti! Tú serás quien me ayude en esta difícil situación. ¡Venga, no perdamos tiempo, agáchate!

El desconcertado caballo obedeció y se tumbó en el suelo. Entonces, el hombre colocó sobre su lomo los dos sacos de harina, y seguidamente arrastró al burro para acomodarlo también sobre la montura. Cuando tuvo todo bien atado le dio unas palmaditas cariñosas en el cuello.


Respuesta dada por: nathalyvillasagua


A donkey and a horse lived together from their earliest childhood and, as good friends that they were, they used the same stable, shared the hay tray, and shared the work equally. Its owner was a miller, so his daily task was to transport wheat flour from the field to the main market in the city.

The routine was the same every morning: the man placed a huge and heavy sack on the donkey's back, and minutes later, another equally huge and heavy on the horse's back. As soon as everything was ready, the three of them left the barn and set off. For the animals the journey was boring and hard enough, but since their livelihood depended on following orders without question, it didn't even cross their minds to complain about their fate.


One day, it is not known for what reason, the master decided to put two sacks on the donkey's back and none on the horse's back. The next thing he did was give the order to leave.

- Arre, horse! Come on, donkey! ... Hurry or we'll be late!

He advanced a few meters and they were following his steps, as always perfectly synchronized. As they walked, for the first time since he could remember, the donkey wailed:

- Oh, my friend, see what state I am in! Our owner put all the weight on my back and I think it's unfair. I can barely stand up and I have a hard time breathing!

The little donkey was absolutely right: bearing that burden was impossible for him. The horse, on the other hand, advanced by his side light as a feather and feeling the perfumed spring breeze combing his mane. He felt so blissful, a feeling of freedom so great invaded him, that he didn't even stop to think about his colleague's suffering. Truth be told, he was even annoyed by the comment.

- Yes buddy, I know that today is not the best day of your life, but… what can I do?!… I'm not to blame for what happens to you!

The donkey was surprised by the indifference and little sensitivity of his fatigued companion, but he was so overwhelmed that he dared to ask for help.

- Please do not misunderstand me, my friend. I don't want to bother you for the world, but the truth is that it would be great if you would give me a hand. You know me and you know that I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't absolutely necessary.

The horse started and looked surprised.

- Excuse me?!… Are you serious ?!

The donkey, already half dizzy, thought he was in the middle of a nightmare.

- 'No, this can't be real ... I'm sure I'm dreaming and I'll wake up soon!'

Sweat began to trickle down his fur, and he noticed his big almond-shaped eyes turning each to one side, completely out of control. Seconds later everything went blurry and he was practically without power. He had to make a huge effort to keep asking for help.

- I need you to help me because I… I can't, friend, I can't continue… I… I… I'm going to faint!

The horse snorted in annoyance.

- Bah, come on, don't get dramatic, it's not that bad either! I remind you that you are younger than me and in great shape. Also, for a day that I get rid of carrying I am not going to take part of yours. I'd be a downright fool if I did!

In the scorching sun the poor donkey's legs buckled like jelly.

- Help… help… please!

They were his last words before collapsing on the grass.


The owner, until that moment oblivious to everything that was happening behind him, heard the thud that the animal made when it fell. Scared, he turned and saw the donkey motionless, lying with its belly up and its tongue sticking out.

- Oh no, my dear donkey has collapsed! ... Poor animal! I have to take him to the farm and notify a vet as soon as possible, but how can I do it?

With a nervous wreck, he looked around and looked down at the horse.

- Now that I think about it, I have you! You will be the one to help me in this difficult situation. Come on, let's not waste time, get down!

The puzzled horse obeyed and lay down on the ground. Then the man placed the two sacks of flour on his back, and then dragged the donkey to accommodate it on the saddle as well. When he had everything tied up, he gave him a loving pat on the ne

Esta es la traduccion.. espero te ayude. Suerte!

Respuesta dada por: cake1239


A donkey and a horse lived together from their earliest childhood and, as good friends that they were, they used the same stable, shared the hay tray, and shared the work equally. Its owner was a miller, so his daily task was to transport wheat flour from the field to the main market in the city

The routine was the same every morning: the man placed a huge and heavy sack on the donkey's back, and minutes later, another equally huge and heavy on the horse's back. As soon as everything was ready, the three of them left the barn and set off. For the animals the journey was boring and hard enough, but since their livelihood depended on following orders without question, it didn't even cross their minds to complain about their fate.


One day, it is not known for what reason, the master decided to put two sacks on the donkey's back and none on the horse's back. The next thing he did was give the order to leave.

- Horse arre! Come on, donkey! ... Hurry or we'll be late!

He advanced a few meters and they were following his steps, as always perfectly synchronized. As they walked, for the first time since he could remember, the donkey wailed:

- Oh, my friend, see what state I am in! Our owner put all the weight on my back and I think it's unfair. I can barely stand up and I have a hard time breathing!

The little donkey was absolutely right: bearing that burden was impossible for him. The horse, on the other hand, advanced by his side light as a feather and feeling the perfumed spring breeze combing his mane. He felt so blissful, a feeling of freedom so great invaded him, that he didn't even think about his colleague's suffering. Truth be told, he was even annoyed by the comment.

- Yes buddy, I know that today is not the best day of your life, but… what can I do?!… I'm not to blame for what happens to you

The donkey was surprised by the indifference and little sensitivity of his fatigued companion, but he was so overwhelmed that he dared to ask him for help.

- Please do not misunderstand me, my friend. I don't want to bother you for the world, but the truth is that it would be great if you would give me a hand. You know me and you know that I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't absolutely necessary.

The horse started and looked surprised.

- Excuse me?!… Are you serious ?!

The donkey, already half dizzy, thought he was in the middle of a nightmare.

- 'No, this can't be real ... I'm sure I'm dreaming and I'll wake up soon!'

Sweat began to trickle down his fur, and he noticed his big almond-shaped eyes turning each to one side, completely out of control. Seconds later everything went blurry and he was practically without power. He had to make a huge effort to keep asking for help.

- I need you to help me because I… I can't, friend, I can't continue… I… I… I'm going to faint!

The horse snorted in annoyance.

- Bah, come on, don't get dramatic, it's not that bad either! I remind you that you are younger than me and in great shape. Also, for a day that I get rid of carrying I am not going to take part of yours. I'd be a downright fool if I did!

In the scorching sun the poor donkey's legs buckled like jelly.

- Help… help… please!

They were his last words before collapsing on the grass.


The owner, until that moment oblivious to everything that was happening behind him, heard the thud that the animal made when it fell. Scared, he turned and saw the donkey motionless, lying with its belly up and its tongue sticking out.

- Oh no, my dear donkey has collapsed! ... Poor animal! I have to take him to the farm and notify a vet as soon as possible, but how can I do it?

With a nervous wreck, he looked around and looked down at the horse.

- Now that I think about it, I have you! You will be the one to help me in this difficult situation. Come on, let's not waste time, get down!

The puzzled horse obeyed and lay down on the ground. Then the man placed the two sacks of flour on his back, and then dragged the donkey to accommodate it on the saddle as well. When he had everything tied up, he gave him a loving pat on the neck.


donjuan1512: gracias
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