• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: acasillassimental
  • hace 5 años

Ayudenme porfavooooor

1. You must/should/shouldn´t be 18 before you can drive in Mexico.

2. You don´t have to/mustn´t/shouldn´t go to bed so late. It´s not good for you.

3. You don´t have to/mustn´t/shouldn´t wear a school uniform in most High Schools. 

4. You must/mustn´t/needn´t come. I can do it without you.

5. You don´t have to/must/mustn´t copy during exams.

6. You don´t have to/mustn´t/shouldn´t be very tall to play football.

7. You must/mustn´t/needn´t be a good writer to win the Pulitzer Prize. 

8. Can/May/Are you speak English?

9. Can/Could/ Need I go? yes, you can.

10. May/Can/Are you help me with my homework?

11. You aren´t/can´t/weren´t enter without a tie.

12. Cigarettes are/do/can seriously damage your health.

13. Will/Am/Do you post the letter for me?

14. Will/Am/Shall I open the window?

15. Please don´t/can´t/didn´t make noise.

16. Sorry, this can´t/must/could be my bag. Mine is brown.

17. He probably won't/doesn´t/wasn´t be back in time for dinner. 

18. It´s very cold. You should/can/might put a sweater on.

19. We couldn´t/can´t/aren´t play football today because it´s raining.

20. Good morning Sr. what can/must/might do for you?


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo


1. must

2. shouldn't

3. don't have to

4. needn't

5. mustn't

6. don't have to

7. needn't

8. Can

9. Could

10. Can

12. can't

13. can

14. Will

15. Shall

16. can't

17. won't

18. should

19. can't

20. can

acasillassimental: Muchísimas graciaaaaaas
normaromani19: ok?
normaromani19: OJALA TE SAQUES 000000000000020
normaromani19: xd
acasillassimental: saque 100
normaromani19: a ok
normaromani19: Xd
normaromani19: te mande soli acpta
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