• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: danielaclock
  • hace 5 años

Complete las siguientes oraciones afirmativas con la conjugación correcta del verbo en paréntesis.

1. We _____________________ (THINK) about you a lot.

2. My parents _____________________ (COOK) a yummy meal yesterday.

3. Julie and her daughter _____________________ (GO) to sleep at 8 o´clock.

4. Andrew _____________________ (WRITE) that report like a week ago.

5. My brother _____________________ (FIX) the car last weekend.​


Respuesta dada por: axelvictoriajoha1


1. we thought about you a lot

2. my parents cooked yummy meal yesterday

3. julie and her daughter went to sleep at 8 o´clock

4. andrew wrote that report like a week ago

5. my brother fixed the car last weekend


Respuesta dada por: vero7240


We thought about you a lot.

My parents cooked a yummy meal yesterday.

Julie and her daughter went to sleep at 8 o‘ clock.

Andrew wrote thath report like a week ago.

My brother fixed the car last weekend.

El past simple se forma añadiendo la terminación -ed a los verbos, pero solo los regulares. EJEMPLO:

travel (viajar) - traveled

Mientras que para los verbos irregulares hay infinidad de formas que sí o sí te tendrás que memorizar. EJEMPLO:

go (ir) - went

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