• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: luciaop
  • hace 5 años

MAKE SENTENCES WITH THE SIMPLE PAST AND THE PAST CONTINUOUS. a. It ___________________ (snow) when I (leave)______________ home this morning. b. He (talk)_________________ on the phone when I (arrive)____________________ . c. A lot of people (wait)__________________________ for the 7.30 bus last night. d. I (live)_________________ in London when I (meet) ____________________ them. e. I nearly had a car accident this morning. A car (come)_____________________ towards me, but I (move)___________________ quickly out of the way. f. At the end of the first half of the game, they (win)______________________, but at the end they (lose)____________________ . g. It was a sunny afternoon, and the people (sit)_______________________ on the grass in the park. Then, it suddenly (start)___________________ to rain. h. Which hotel (stay) __________________ when you (lose)__________ your passport ?


Respuesta dada por: espexcgb2006


it was snowing when i left home

he talked on the phone when i arrived

a lot of peoplpe were waiting

i lived in london

when i met them

a car was coming towards me, but i moved quickly. At then end of the firdt game, they won, but at the end the lost

and the people was sitting on the grass. Then, ir suddenly started to rain

wich hotel were you staying ehwn you lost


Respuesta dada por: pasita110


D la vida en las páginas 70 y 71 realiza el anexo de la página de los criterios de comparación y el objeto para la próxima y doble que se relacionan con este artículo que

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