Que le ofrece la gente a la pachamama
In Incan mythology, she presides
over planting and harvesting crops and can cause
She is also the goddess of fertility. In the Quechua cosmovision, the four principles –
Water, Earth, Sun, and Moon – come from her. She is the mother of the Sun god Inti,
and the Moon goddess Mama Killa.
She is offered many sacrifices, especially animals
like llamas and alpacas. Rituals to honor her are celebrated all year, but especially in
August, which is the coldest month of the year in the southern Andes.
But those who believe in the Pachamama can maintain a balanced, reciprocal
relationship with her. It is said that if people treat the Pachamama well and offer her the
best sacrifices, then she in return will give them a good harvest.
People offer the Pachamama different foods and beverages as gratitude to life and nature, the health and nutrition of the people, the fertility of the land, and protection against the evils that afflict them.
Some of these foods that serve as an offering are: grains, fruits, flowers, tubers, vegetables, among others. Also homemade and traditional drinks such as beer and chichas.
In addition, as thanks to this Goddess of the Andes of South America, representative of life and nature, the peoples celebrate Pachamama day in different ways, For Example, they make up a ritual where food and drinks are offered, that later are burned and buried in the place where a flower garden will later grow.
Also See: https://brainly.lat/tarea/22134277
Pachamama can be translated as mother earth, in different cultures Pachamama is grateful for fruits, vegetables, grains and even animal sacrifices.
It is believed that La pachamama was a goddess, who through natural resources allowed man to live on earth.
La Pachamama se puede traducir como la madre tierra, en diferentes culturas se agradece a la Pachamama frutas, vegetales, granos e incluso sacrificios animales.
Se cree que La pachamama era una diosa, que a través de los recursos naturales le permitía al hombre vivir en la tierra.
Aprende más sobre La Pachamama en: https://brainly.lat/tarea/32384095
The Pachamama is usually translated into English as
“Mother Earth”, although the more literal translation
would be “World Mother”.